People have called BFM the brewer of the 'best beer in the world' - but I don't buy it.
Brewed by a Swiss guy who started the brewery after winning a reality contest, the few beers I've had lack any nose, and seem to have a metallic finish to me; and maybe even some of that mustard-pungency in the finish that I find is a turn off. I've read that uses a specific yeast strain to get a slight sour finish, maybe that's what I'm picking up as metallic. I know he studied Oenology, but wines have a nose, right?
I've had the 8th Anniversary, the Dragonne (even drank it warm as intended) and most recently something on cask this week. Again no aroma, (isn't the smell a huge flavor component?) and a thin body. After drinking half the 12 oz pour all I could taste was metal.
Does this guy make beers that aren't big/dark or am I just picking darker beers by coincidence; and if they are big/dark shouldn't they be super complex? Maybe the nuance is just lost on me.
Oh yeah - it's damn expensive too.
If I had to recommend a brewery that does a great job with darker styles (and that coincidentally is also 'French' but not from France), I'd go with Brasserie Dieu Du Ciel from Montreal.
I know it's not the same style of beer as BFM - but we tried the Aphrodite this weekend and it was really good. Sure it's 'flavored', with vanilla and cocoa beans, but it's balanced and it does taste like beer; which is not always the case with this style (I'm looking at you Southern Tier).
The coffee stout (Peche Mortel) is really good too; the maple beer (technically a Wee Heavy?) wasn't great, and the barley wine I accidentally got a few months ago was decent (even though I don't like the style).
Another brewery that's popping up all over New York worth checking out is McNeills (from Bratleboro), especially if you like malt/grain flavors featured - these beers are bread-y and interesting.
1. I like Southern Tier
ReplyDelete2. You forgot to comment on BFM's terrible logo.
That is a terrible logo and I do like some Southern Tier beers a lot, but Creme Brulee - that's just desert.