About Gretchen

Here's a little bit about me:

I am grew up in Buffalo, and moved to New York City in May 2001. I live with Tom and our three cats: Ali, Bailey and Chaz. I have my bachelor's degree in art history and work in an auction house. I try to be creative- I paint, draw, make jewelry, decorate, take photographs (mostly of nature and my cats, but the food photos here are also mine) and have recently taken up sewing. I also like reading and riding my bike.

I am a reluctant cook. When Tom's not home to make me dinner, I usually heat up leftovers. If there are none, I'll either buy something frozen to microwave, or boil some water for some pasta with butter.

But I do like to bake! I was born with a sweet-tooth (compliments of my grandma). I like that baking isn't as frantic or messy as cooking. I'm a clean-freak, so I like that I can clean up as I go when baking. I also like that the results of baking generally stick around longer than something that's cooked. A dinner is devoured in under 10 minutes, but cookies- they're around for days, you freeze some... I like that I can savor my efforts for awhile. So my baking might end up on here once in awhile!