Thursday, June 9, 2011

May Postmortum

So I thought having a baby would mean I cook less - but I guess that's stupid, less going out means more cooking at home.

I have made a routine of making pizza dough and pasta every week.  I guess I'm done for the most part with ridiculous techniques, and really just focus on doing things well; and that's what you need; cease-less practice.   Not sure if it matters - lately I've been either experiencing a blandness in lots of my cooking; other times I get only harsh flavors.

All of the sudden we're on a schedule - Pizza Monday, Pasta Thursday, Asian on Friday, Grill on Saturday....when did this place turn into a cafeteria?

Maybe the new routine will mean I stop keeping track of all this, I'm starting to not have the time anyway...same thing every week, seasonal ingredients; weak cooking need to mark it down.

Monday, May 2, 2011

April Postmortem

So Gretchen had the baby - and we'll see how that changes what I'm cooking.  Already I find myself using the weekends to prepare for faster weeknight dinners.  Pizza and pasta dough gets made on Sunday, bread already got made once every week or two, I'm doing a lot more cooking beans, grains and greens ahead of time; you know all of those stupid hints for busy moms....I'm using them.

Well - I'd like to think that I'm just working more like a restaurant - they have all of that stuff prepped before service too, don't they?  A lot of it is just assembly.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

March Postmortem

My projects turned out okay (corned beef) and bad (all sausages), and by then end of the month my everyday cooking had become over-seasoned and repetitious.

Hopefully April is better - but I don't think I'll be doing much cooking.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Februrary Postmortum

Everything keeps getting busier and busierJust want to get everything down so I can make comments later.

Made dinner for friends one last time before we have the baby - went sort of Asian.  I don't think I could make traditional or authentic Asian food, but when considering how to handle the root vegetables available right now, I thought about the ingredients and flavors I really like.  Plus - Korea really has a climate close to ours, and we can get pretty good Korean ingredients in our neighbor hood so it just kind of made sense.

Monday, February 7, 2011

January Postmortum

I told myself I wasn't going to post anymore - there's enough to do around here; but I keep losing track of what I've worked on.

A lot's happened since the beginning of 2011 - our stove broke completely, turning into a fire hazard; so that lead to a week of microwave/toaster oven cooking, and an unexpected cost.

The winter CSA is always a challenge - rutabaga are only one of two vegetables I really don't enjoy, spaghetti squash being the other.  I'm not giving up on either, there's got to be a way to make them better.

I'm just going to list what I can remember cooking and fill in as I go.