Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Airing of Greivences: Berkshire Brewing Company

We were in Cape Cod this past weekend; left after work on Friday, and came back on Sunday. 

So no new post; but as is the case when we go away we try to eat as many local foods and drink as many local beers as possible. 

So for Cape Cod we tried to eat all seafood and ice cream; and drank beer by Wachusett, Cape Cod, and Berkshire Brewing.  I think I had a Rock Art (VT) in there too....

At least we know now that New York isn't the only city with some mediocre (to bad) local craft beer - Berkshire was available at every package store; so I bought one, and then drank one on tap at a restaurant.

Both the Extra Pale (bottle conditioned) and the IPA (on tap) gave me a horrible headache and I couldn't finish them.  At least I can finish the Sixpoint beers, I just think they are all the same, and aren't close to the style they're supposed to be.

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